Who Are We?

We use our experience to help safeguard those less able within our communities by raising awareness and delivering education against Doorstep Crime, Scams and Cyber-crime.

What We Do


Offering detailed information relating to Doorstep Crime and Mass Marketing Fraud. We can supply you with in depth knowledge on these subjects. How criminals work. How grooming forms part of their pattern to achieve their aim and how the ladder of criminality exists
around us.


Delivered as a structured programme of training sessions to Health & Social Care staff, including volunteers, support workers, carers and professionals who have individual contact on a regular basis with members of the local community who are susceptible to doorstep crime and scams, but most importantly are already in that position of trust!

In relation to the increase in fraud across the country, former City of London Police Commander Chris Greany, who held the position of National Coordinator for Economic Crime said:

“We will never arrest our way out of this – the only way to reduce this is prevention and advice”


EDUCATION is key to prevention

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